Stay up to date with the latest version of the iSingWorship app.
Updates contain many enhancements, new features and fixes and are available for free on the following platforms
Click on the appropiate icon or link to update. The updates will keep your existing arrangements, playlists and other settings.
Please Note:
Compatible with Windows 8 or higher, iOS 9 or higher, macOS El Capitan or higher and Android Lollipop or higher.
To install on Android try one of the following depending on your version. 1) Go to the Androids "Settings" app, to "Biometrics and security" and then "Install unknown apps". Then for "Chrome", or whichever browser you are using, make sure "Allow from this source" is on. 2) Go to the "Settings" app and to "Security" then make sure allow "Unknown sources" is ticked.
These apps are frequently updated and you can see any changes listed below. Please make sure you are running the latest version on all your devices.
If you experience any issues, please visit our
support pages.
Release Notes
The system is actively developed. We are working hard to make the system as good as possible and will continue to do so. Here are some of the recent changes, enhancements and fixes.
Version 3.5.1 (360)
- Fixed issue with display of next lyrics
- Fixed alignment issue with news popup message
- Fixed issue with memory usage
- Changed font
- Added more features in readiness for upcoming releases
Version 3.5.0 (359)
- Numerous enhancements and bug fixes
- Updated to a sleek, modern design, setting the stage for exciting new features on the horizon
Version 3.4.11 (351)
- Fix to prevent problems with access to Song Store
Version 3.4.9 (348)
- Now works on macOS El Capitan
Version 3.4.8 (345)
Version 3.4.5 (341)
- Fix for downloads
- Fix for keep repeating when using keyboard
- Fix when sending diagnostics
Version 3.4.4 (340)
Version 3.4.3 (339)
- Corrected problem with access to songs
Version 3.4.2 (338)
- Improved downloads on unreliable networks
- Improved lyric previews to show all pages of lyrics
- Now allows change of pitch shift algorithm on faster or slower devices
Version 3.4.0 (335) (Windows, Mac, Android)
- Added Song Previews into app directly
- Added ability to show latest songs and downloaded songs
- Improved "Songs" and "Playing" views with new icons
Version 3.3.1 (333)
- Added pitch change comments
- Fixed scrolling issues
Version 3.3.0 (332) (Windows, Mac, Android)
- Upgraded audio quality when changing pitch or tempo
- Upgraded all third party libraries for extra security and reliability
Version 3.2.4 (327)
Mac &
- Added ability to send in diagnostics
- Improved song plays report (iOS)
- Added keyboard support for scrolling
- Fixes during editing lyrics
- Fix for failure to start next song after certain songs
Version 3.2.2 (322)
- Fixed issue using talk button on songs without an appropraite soft break down to use
- Fix networking issue
- Fixed issue editing lyrics
- Improved drawing smoothness
Version 3.2.1 (320)
- Fix when using overriden lyrics
Version 3.2.1 (318)
- Fix when using certain VPN or anti-virus software
Version 3.2.0 (315)
Mac &
- Rewritten cloud synchronization to correct issues
- Rewritten the "Refresh all data" functionality
- Fixed issue when lyrics appear too early in certain songs
Version 3.1.5 (308)
- Fixed issue with possible crashes whilst using motion backgrounds
- Fixed issue when motion backgrounds are loading
Version 3.1.4 (307)
- Fixed issue with long gaps between songs sometimes
- Fixed issue with text not fitting views
- Improved speed on Window devices
Version 3.1.3 (304)
- Updated Android version
- Changes for new SATTing technology
Version 3.1.2 (299)
- Improved display and power efficiency
- Allows changing lyrics/chords on sections without any by default
- Fixed crash on Android devices
Version 3.1.1 (291)
- Fixed issue with blank songs when loading songs after app reset
- Fixed issue with lyrics disappearing too early between section changes
- Fixed issue with chords not displaying between section changes
- Made arrangement name appear in playing view just like old version
- Improved screen update speed on Android
Version 3.1.0 (288)
- Added search by genre, so can easily search for hymns
- Lyric search now includes all songs not just downloaded ones
- Added left/right swipe to change sections for iPad/iPhone/Android devices
Version 3.0.10 (288)
- Improved options for handling audio
Version 3.0.8 (281)
- Fixed issue when ending song caused following songs to skip through
- Fixed issue with passwords on iPhone/iPad keyboards
- Fixed issue slowing down app
Version 3.0.5 (278)
- Fixed issue with vocal volume
Version 3.0.4 (277)
Version 3.0.3 (276)
- Fixed issue with strange message on startup
- Fixed issue with displaying chords
Version 3.0.2 (275)
- Added song info button back in
Version 3.0.1 (274)
- Fixed issue on some songs with the new "Soft" button
- Fixed issue when talk/soft/full buttons didn't always appear correctly
- Added ability to always show extra sections
Version 3.0.0 (268)
- New Talk, Soft and Full buttons (Plus subscription & songs)
- Simpler and easier to use interface
- Merged "Songs" and "Purchases" list
- Faster GUI updates
- Improve sync reliability
- Higher priority audio
- Paste on macOS
- Updated database
- Improved colours
- More picture backgrounds
- More motion backgrounds
- Fix to audio double buffer
- Fix to Android keyboard
- Many smaller fixes and enhancements
Version 2.5.7 (238)
- Fix for keyboard issues on some Samsung devices.
Version 2.5.7 (237) (PC)
- Faster 64 bit version available for Windows.
Version 2.5.7 (236) (PC, Mac & Android)
- Networking and security upgrade.
Version 2.5.5 (232) (PC, Mac & Android)
- Deeper fix to sync'ing issues.
- Fix for possible crash when exiting app in Windows.
Version 2.5.4 (231) (PC, Mac & Android)
- Fixed issue sync'ing playlists and arrangements to the cloud.
Version 2.5.3 (229) (PC, Mac & Android)
- Fixed issue with reordering playlists and arrangements.
Version 2.5.2 (227) (Mac)
- Improved installation mechanism on macOS.
Version 2.5.2 (226) (PC & Mac)
- Added ability to put external lyrics into window rather than full screen (for Zoom).
Version 2.5.1 (225) (PC & Mac)
- Fixed issue showing slides on second monitor.
Version 2.5.0 (223) (PC, Mac & Android)
- Added song searching both for purchases and downloaded songs.
- Speed improvements.
- Bug fixes.
Version 2.4.22 (221) (PC, Mac, Android & iOS)
- Fixed issue downloading trial songs.
- Now runs on older iPhone/iPad devices (above iOS 9).
Version 2.4.21 (220) (PC, Mac, Android & iOS)
- Fixed issue udating user information.
Version 2.4.20 (216) (PC, Mac, Android)
- Added ability to sign out other devices if necessary.
Version 2.4.19 (211) (PC, Mac, Android & iOS)
- Can now automatically download songs in playlists.
Version 2.4.18 (209) (PC, Mac & Android)
Version 2.4.17 (206) (PC, Mac)
- Fixed issue with showing screen whilst pasued.
Version 2.4.16 (205) (PC)
Version 2.4.13 (202) (PC)
- Made installation easier.
Version 2.4.11 (200) (iOS)
Version 2.4.10 (198) (PC, Mac, Android)
Version 2.4.9 (197) (Mac)
- Added support for Apple Silicon.
- Fixed problem installing on Macs prior to MacOS Sierra.
- Changed external screen so better with Zoom.
Version 2.4.8 (195) (PC, Mac, Android)
Version 2.4.7 (193) (PC, Mac, Android and iOS)
- Made next lyrics always appear.
- Songs scroll to top when playing in playlists.
- Fixed timing issue when words altered on an arrangement section with multiple pages of lyrics.
- Fixed issue previewing lyrics.
- Fixed issue editing arrangements and playlists when signed out.
Version 2.4.6 (191) (PC, Mac, Android)
- Fixed issue with downloads
Version 2.4.5 (190) (PC, Mac, Android)
Version 2.4.4 (188) (PC, Mac, Android)
Version 2.4.3 (187) (PC)
- Speeded up downloading
- Bug fixes
Version 2.4.2 (185) (PC)
Version 2.4.1 (182) (PC, Mac, Android and iOS)
- Fixed issue slowing down synchronisations
Version 2.4.0 (181) (PC)
- Added 7 day grace period for subscriptions
- Upgraded to handle latest Stripe payment system
- Upgraded to handle Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) authenication
- Added ablility to handle direct debit payments (UK)
- Handles iOS14
- Bugs fixes
Version 2.3.20 (180) (PC, Mac, Android)
- Incremental changes ready for next versions
Version 2.3.16 (175) (PC, Mac, Android and iOS)
- Fixed issue when editing existing arrangements or playlists
Version 2.3.16 (174) (PC and Mac)
- Improved switching between iSingWorship and PowerPoint (PC only)
- Fixed issue with subscription feature
Version 2.3.15 (173) (PC, Mac and Android)
- Fixed problem when using purchases search bar.
Version 2.3.14 (172) (PC, Mac, iOS and Android)
- Fixed possible freeze when using motion backgrounds.
- Fixed UI issue when resizing window.
- Fixed keyboard issue with Android.
Version 2.3.13 (171) (PC and Mac)
- Fixed problem with delay at end of songs.
Version 2.3.12 (170) (PC and Mac)
Version 2.3.11 (169) (PC and Mac)
- Improved cloud synchronization.
Version 2.3.10 (168) (PC and Mac)
- Added back ability to display external view constantly.
- Added full screen option for single screen displays.
- Fixed problem with mouse disappearing.
Version 2.3.9 (167) (PC and Mac)
- Improved cloud synchronization.
Version 2.3.8 (161) (Android)
- Fixed issue with keyboard.
Version 2.3.8 (160) (PC and Mac)
- More improvements for interaction with Zoom screen sharing.
- Added ability to set full screen on a single display.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 2.3.6 (155) (PC and Mac)
- Improved interaction with Zoom screen sharing.
- Added ability to set which screen the lyrics display on.
Version 2.3.5 (154) (PC, Mac and Android)
- Fixed issue with chords on intro.
Version 2.3.4 (153) (PC, Mac and Android)
Version 2.3.3 (151) (Mac)
- Correctly handles when network not connected.
Version 2.3.3 (150) (PC, Mac and Android)
- More reliability improvements.
Version 2.3.2 (149) (PC, Mac and Android)
- Fixed possible crash when stopping playback.
- Improved reliability of downloads.
Version 2.3.1 (146) (PC and Mac)
Version 2.3 (145) (PC, Mac, iOS and Android)
- Added keyboard shortcuts on playing view.
- Right arrow - Play or resume
- Left arrow - Fade or stop
- Up arrow - Change next section up
- Down arrow - Change next section down
- Escape - Clear songs or arrangments
- Fixed issue where lyrics came in too soon.
- Added ability to split lyrics on sections (to make lyrics bigger).
- Fixed issue with subscription sometimes not renewing.
- Improved reliability.
- Improved speed of cloud synchronization.
- Added feedback forms.
- Fixed issue with backgrounds when offline.
Version 2.2.1 (140) (PC, Mac, iOS and Android)
Version 2.2.138 (PC, Mac and Android)
- Made searches case-insensitive.
Version 2.2.137 (PC, Mac and Android)
- Made downloads restart from last position if network fails.
Version 2.2.136 (PC and Android)
- Added ability to search purchases list (title, author, key).
Version 2.2.135 (PC, Mac and Android)
- Added ability to search songs list (title, author, key).
- Fixed problem with playlists/arrangements not deleting in cloud.
- Ensured changed lyrics are also sync'd in the cloud.
- Speeded up data synchronisation.
- Corrected message box alignment.
- Fixed crash when device goes to sleep and OS removes screen.
- Fixed possible crash with downloads interrupting user updates.
- Improved database upgrade mechanism.
- Fixed problem where Song Store incorrectly asks for card details on free preview songs.
- Song Store now correctly shows songs as purchased when subscribed.
- Added support for upcoming lyric changes.
Version 2.1.134
- Removed duplicates in subscribed song list.
- Fixed crash downloading songs.
Version 2.1.133 (macOS only)
- Fixed macOS Catalina install problem.
- Fixed network problem downloading songs.
Version 2.1.132
- More audio improvements.
- Removed subscription expiry warning message.
Version 2.1.131
- Added subscriptions.
- Added many new subscription features.
Version 1.7.130
- Fixed problem with audio using certain output paths.
Version 1.7.128
- Made app proxy aware.
- Allows more user file types.
Version 1.7.127
- Improved speed when many songs are loaded.
Version 1.7.126
- Fixed audio problems with Android.
Version 1.7.123
- Motion bug fix.
- Added background brightness.
Version 1.7.122
Version 1.7.117
- Aded registration screen.
Version 1.7.116
- Fixed intermittent crash problem particuarly effecting purchasing view.
Version 1.7.115
- Fixed problem previewing rows.
- Fixed possible communication problem with iSingWorhip Song Store.
- Fixed graphic problem running iSingWorship on mobile devices.
Version 1.7.113
- Made changing between lyrics and sections easier.
Version 1.7.112
- Fixed problem loading pictures when playing.
- Fixed problem casuing 'Failed to update song' error message.
- Fixed problem with on-screen keyboard covering input.
Version 1.7.110
- Can now use user pictures for backgrounds.
- Added ability to add pictures to playlists.
- Handles subscriptions.
- Made lyrics bigger.
- Added auto smooth lyrics (to spot when using wireless connection).
- Various fixes to lyrics.
- Added ability to report crashes.
- Many bug fixes.
Version 1.6.95
Version 1.6.90 (Android only)
- Added ability to rotate device.
Version 1.6.86
- Fixed bug where music could be out-of-sync if device busy.
- Fixed problem saving name on arrangements.
- Fixed problem removing sections from arrangements.
Version 1.6.83
- Various bug fixes.
- Improved data security.
- Fixed problem with large lists of songs.
Version 1.6.82
- Fixed problem with volume fading.
- Fixed problem with external screen on macOS.
- Fixed freezing problem on macOS.
- Speeded up loading backgrounds.
- Changes and fixes displaying backgrounds.
Version 1.6.81
- Fixed problem with "Play Vocals" flag on custom arrangements.
Version 1.6.80
- (Windows only)Fixed more problems when using high DPI displays.
- Speeded up GUI.
Version 1.6.79
- (Windows only)Fixed problem when using high DPI displays.
Version 1.6.76
- Allow free preview songs to be played whilst not signed in.
- Fixed several UI problems.
- Fixed possible problem when signing in or changing text.
- Changes required for iOS build.
Version 1.6.69
- Made scroll bar permanent on Windows UI.
- Added link to upgrade message.
Version 1.6.68
- (Windows) Fixed problem with 1.6.67 installation file.
- Fixed problem with fade speed.
Version 1.6.67
- (Windows) Fixed problem with stuttering audio.
- Fixed possible crash with message handling.
Version 1.6.65
- Fixed start up delay when loading large collections of purchases.
- Improved speed of downloading.
Version 1.6.64
- Fixed important problem effecting the timing on certain songs.
- Fixed problem effecting lyrics not appearing correctly on certain songs.
- Fixed problem with "Keep repeating" appearing.
- Fixed problem when adding a playlist whilst playing caused incorrect behaviour.
Version 1.6.60
- Improved security of data.
- Improved error logging on downloading songs.
Version 1.6.59
- Fixed problem updating songs from iSingWorship server.
Version 1.6.58
- (Windows) Corrected problem with 1.6.57 build.
Version 1.6.57
- (Windows) Fixed problem when screen scaling is used.
Version 1.6.56
- Fixed problems with macOS 64 bit build.
- Corrected database object names.
Version 1.6.55
- Improved handling of multiple versions.
Version 1.6.54
- Fixed issue where downloads would sometimes freeze.
Version 1.6.53
- Fixed issue where lyrics sometimes changed before they were supposed to.
Version 1.6.52
- Fixed issue where new arrangements can change lyrics on existing songs.
- Fixed issue with changing chords on lyrics.
Version 1.6.51
- Fixed issue where display could sometimes freeze.
- (Android) Fixed issue where screen rotation could cause app crash.
- (Android) Improved scrolling performance.
Version 1.6.50
Version 1.6.48
- (Windows) Fixed issue running with multiple versions.
Version 1.6.47
- (Windows) Increased analytics for issue preventing opening of database.
Version 1.6.45
- Fixed deleting arrangements and sections after changing lyrics.
Version 1.6.44
- Changes required for Android build.
Version 1.6.42
- (Windows) Fixed glitches in audio on certain devices.
Version 1.6.41
- Fixed timing problem when changing sections on certain songs.
Version 1.6.40
- Fixed problem showing logo when paused.
- Improved logo on external screen.
Version 1.6.39
- (Windows) Fixed possible crash using external screen.
Version 1.6.38
- Fixed issue preventing arrangements from playing correctly.
Version 1.6.37
- Added ability to only show external screen when playing.
- Fixed crash when using pauses in arrangements.
- Improved reliability of downloading songs.
- Fixed problem with app using up memory.
Version 1.6.36
- Fixed problem turning off lyrics on external screen.
- Speeded up loading of data.
- Fixed issue that caused sessions to be used up.
- Fixed issue that might cause app to crash.
Version 1.6.35
- Improved interoperatility with PowerPoint and Keynote.
- Added scrollbars.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 1.6.34
- Fixed intermittent login issue.
- Fixed issue with audio glitches on Windows.
- Fixed issue with Capo position incorrectly showing on Arrangement view.
- Fixed issue with case sensitivity on email addresses.
Version 1.6.32
- Fixed issue with database recovery after rollback.
- Fixed issue with start-up message.