Engaging God's people in Praise
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iSingWorship on iOS.

You might notice that there are currently 2 different versions of iSingWorship available for download from the Apple iOS app store. The current version which is the one you should download is slightly darker:

iOS Versions

The legacy iOS version used Apple's in app purchasing system for song purchases but unfortunately, that limited the ability to use those songs on other platforms. The new version uses the iSingWorship song store which allows you to play all your purchased songs on any compatible device (iOS, Windows PC, macOS and Android).

The new version is also required if you want to subscribe to iSingWorship Plus.

If you have never used the iOS version before, you can simply download the current version, create your iSingWorship account and start using iSingWorship.

If you used the legacy iOS version, you will need to create a new iSingWorship account and use the legacy version to transfer your previous purchases over to your new account. You will then need to download the current version and your songs will show up in your new account. They can also be used on any other compatible device without having to purchase them a second time.

​To find out how to transfer your legacy iOS songs into the new iSingWorship account, please see this page.

If you're still experiencing any issues, please visit the support pages.